为了代表学生参加全校范围的讨论,我们每年选出12名学生 our Executive Board.

Wayne Schroeder

President of Associated Students

学生会会长主持执行委员会. The President 同时担任以下学院委员会的成员或指定人员 服务基金、书店、餐饮服务、跳蚤市场董事会、大学协调 委员会(CCC)和其他委员会在学院共享的章程和所有决议 that are in effect. 学院院长,并监督行政人员的所有活动 Board and its auxiliary committees. The President is responsible for upholding the 宪法和章程以及所有有效的决议.

Elizabeth Tjendra

Executive Vice President

执行副校长负责监督俱乐部和学生组织的运作 on the campuses of PCC. The Executive Vice President chairs the Inter-Club Council, 它由每个活跃社的代表组成并制定政策和规则 for clubs to follow. The Executive Vice President is also responsible for setting the club budget each semester. As the vice chair to the Executive Board and the first 在继任顺序中,执行副总裁承担总裁的角色 if the President is unable to fulfill their duties.

Sky Lam

Vice President of Academic Affairs

教务处副校长负责所有教学事务 on campus. 学术事务副主席是ASPCC与学校之间的联络人 学院的教学副校长,学术参议院代表 all faculty on campus, and the instructional deans. They also preside over the Academic 委员会,他们是教学部门与全校其他部门之间的联络人 committees. 学术事务副主席和他们的委员的目标是 增加可及性和可获得性,进一步促进学术机会 student success.

Huimin "Michelle" Sun

Vice President of Student Services

学生服务副总裁专注于满足PCC学生的需求 通过举办活动,为学生提供交流和信息的来源 to feel comfortable with their academic journey. They also chair the Student Services 委员会,作为联络小组,联络书院各学生服务范畴 并向联会学生提供有关学生服务的相关资料; 协助协调促进学生发展的项目.

Bellefontaine Nhan

Vice President of External Affairs

对外事务副总裁担任ASPCC的说客. They are the students’ 主要代表PCC以外的团体,如其他大学,我们当地的 地区,加州社区学院学生委员会,以及我们的立法者 on both a state and national level. It is their responsibility to be aware of legislation 这可能会影响社区大学生,并传达和倡导学生的 needs to legislators.

Yurika Espinosa

Vice President of Communications

通讯副总裁的职责是确保透明度 and accessibility of AS to the student body. This is done by marketing and publicizing 通过制作传单,在校园和社区开展学生活动; 更新ASPCC的社交媒体,维护ASPCC网站和LancerLife. 通信副总裁还担任战略通信委员会主席.

Chuanchun "Ella" Tang

Vice President of Student Equity

学生权益副主席负责促进多样性和团结 on campus. 这个职位的职责包括种族和民族问题 到性别,特定文化,性取向,以及无数其他相关话题. 他们的任务是组织活动和节目来突出和庆祝PCC cultural diversity, and chairs the Student Equity Committee.

Lev Tumaykin

Vice President of Sustainability

可持续发展副总裁负责推广、设计和实施 sustainable ideas, policies and programs at PCC. This can range from environmental 环保主义以社会经济公正问题为推动,全面可持续发展 future for members of our campus community. The Vice President of Sustainability advises 使活动和项目具有可持续性,并与学院的可持续性合作 委员会、设施委员会和规划委员会,以促进可持续发展 on campus. 可持续发展副总裁还担任可持续发展委员会主席.

Jeshua Figueroa

Vice President of Business Affairs

商务事务副总裁负责协会的维护 Students budget, as well as overseeing ASPCC’s expenditures. The Vice President of 商务事务还通过提供学生金融素养信息 workshops and speaker events. The Vice President of Business Affairs also chairs the Finance Committee. 

Alden Do

Vice President of Campus Activities

校园活动副校长负责策划和协调 a variety of campus wide events for the student body. With the help of their committee, 校园活动副总裁能够策划校园范围内的活动,如欢迎周 and homecoming. 整个学期的电影之夜和其他小型活动也是如此 important; it is the VP of Campus Activities' job to create fun opportunities for students to be involved outside of class. The VP of Campus Activities also chairs the Campus Activities Committee.

Irene Wong

Chief Justice of the Supreme Council

首席大法官主持最高委员会,这是ASPCC的司法分支 government. 首席法官是最高委员会与法院之间的联络人 Executive Board, and has an ex-officio status on the Board. They are responsible for 翻译ASPCC的管理文件,也是主要的口译人员 for all of ASPCC’s governing documents. They review and revise the ASPCC Constitution, Bylaws, and Policy & Procedures, and make recommendations to the documents as they see fit. 首席法官有责任协助确保ASPCC 是否遵循自己的规则,是否对全体学生负责.

Avery Bradley

Student Trustee

学生受托人是太阳城集团官方网址导航的学生代表 Board of Trustees. 保管委员会是地区的政策制定机构 其权力和职责包括批准学院政策,解释学院 对公众的需求,以及通过地区的年度预算. They are entitled 提出和批复议案,参与讨论,接收所有材料 presented to the Board members. The Student Trustee is the primary liaison between 董事会和ASPCC执行委员会,并担任ASPCC执行委员会成员 in an advisory capacity.

Carrie Afuso, Office of Student Life Advisor

cmafuso@ww118.net | (626) 585-7386